James McKnight Chronology

James McKnight Chronology
Media object
Media object
History of James McKnight by Awilda McKnight Kunkel
Note: Corrections to the account of Awilda Kunkle

Corrections to the account of Awilda Kunkle
these corrections were made by Karen Baxter, February 2011

  1. There was a James McKnight, born in 1830 who was from Australia. He was Bishop of Minersville for 25 years. This is not our James Mcknight, who was born in 1828 in Ireland
    Awilda does not mention that James accused church leaders of enriching themselves dishonestly. He apparently made such accusations public and wrote them in local newspapers.
    James was excommunicated 9 December 1875 for apostasy.
  2. James moved to Port Townsend, Washington where he was an editor of a local paper.
  3. While there he divorced Mary Ann and married Annie McCurdy (born 1850 in Maine)
  4. James died in 1906 in Seattle, Washington, not Washington D.C. As Awilda states

The Harrison McKnight Family website has copies of articles and other documents pertaining to differentiating the two James McKnights from each other. The descendants of the Australian James do not want the name of their ancestor misrepresented as being “excommunicated”, and have gone to great lengths to show that the Bishop of Minersville was not the James McKnight who was excommunicated.


Media object
Account of James McKnight's departure from Church Membership
Note: The Book reference, "The Bassett Sisters", by Grace McClure, 1989 asserts that James McKnight married Camilla Young. I have no record of James ever marrying a Camilla Young, and neither does New.Familysearch.org.
Media object
Extract of James McKnight's Journal.pdf
Media object
James Mcknight's journal in Church History Library
Note: This link should take you to Jame's 32 page journal detailing his early life and adventures on the Great Lakes
Last change
June 5, 202018:56:27
Author of last change: karen
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196 17 118 77 Saturday, March 13, 2021 8:00 PM
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