Illinois Cook County Marriages 1871-1920

Illinois Cook County Marriages 1871-1920
Media object
Anna Josephine White Marriage License
Anna Josephine White Marriage License
Note: This marriage license shows Anna Josephine and David Robert being married in the Holy Angeles Rectory of Chicago, Illinois. The HOLY ANGELS CHURCH began in 1880 with 20 Irish people gathering for Mass in an upstairs room over a furniture store on 37th Street & Cottage Grove on Chicago's Southside.
Note on source

llinois, Cook County Marriages, 1871-1920

birth: 1883
spouse: David R. Smith
marriage: 21 Jul 1906 — Chicago, Cook, Illinois

record title: Illinois, Cook County Marriages, 1871-1920
groom: David R. Smith
groom's age: 29 (His Death Certificate shows him born in 1882, which would make him 24 at the time of his marriage)
groom's estimated birth year: 1877 (His Death Certificate shows him born in 1882)
groom's birth date: 1877
bride: Anna White
bride's age: 23
bride's estimated birth year: 1883
bride's birth date: 1883
marriage type: Marriage
marriage date: 21 Jul 1906
marriage place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
digital film number: 4271261

Last change
December 30, 201018:22:21
Author of last change: brent
Unique identifier
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
24 22 118 0 Monday, May 18, 2015 11:45 PM
Media objects
Media Title Individuals Families Sources Last change
Title Individuals Families Media objects Sources Last change